
for creatives and designers.

reema textiles

we source and curate secondhand and sustainable fabrics for creative reuse. join our pilot as we redesign the fashion industry and divert waste from landfills.pilot currently paused, please check back in spring 2025 for more info or reach out to [email protected].

liquid lace

reema's fashion and art lit mag + zine.liquid lace collects moments of resilience and transformation to create windows of movement in the fluttering world of fabric, fashion, and to submissions for our first issue until Jan 20th.


fashion shows debuting our first collection. museum series on sustainability in textile arts. happy hours for emerging artists, designers, and writers. see what we've been up to and what we've got planned next.more info coming soon

hey there,
i'm lavina.

i run reema. if you want to be part of our pilot, have an idea to partner with us on, or just want to say hello, please reach out. also, here's some art :)

submission info

we are accepting submissions for the first issue of reema’s flagship publication!liquid lace collects moments of resilience and transformations to create windows of movement in the fluttering world of fabric, fashion, and art.timeline to submit: dec 20, 2024 - jan 20, 2025theme for issue 1: transformationcategories:
* poetry
* creative writing (fiction & non-fiction)
* visual arts
* photography
* textile arts
* wearable art
* interviews, reports, op-eds
* fashion & tech (any form)
general guidelines:
* AI generated work is not accepted, unless it is for the fashion + tech category and it is disclosed as AI generated work. interviews, reports, op-eds about AI are also accepted, as long as the writing itself is not AI generated.
* preference will be given to pieces that in some way incorporate fashion, clothing, textiles, etc (even if loosely or to a small extent)

how to submit:please submit all work as PDFs. for multiple pieces, please attach each piece as a separate PDF.include a short (<100 word) author bio in the body of the email (not as a separate attachment).please email [email protected] with the subject line “[category] title”. for multiple pieces within the same category, please write “[category] title1/title2”. for multiple categories, please send separate emails for each category.multiple and simultaneous submissions are fine; it is your responsibility to ensure you follow the guidelines of all submissions. if you need to withdraw a piece, email us with the subject line “[WITHDRAW] [category] title”specific submission guidelines:poetry
* up to 4 pieces
* up to 2 pages per poem
creative writing (fiction & non-fiction)
* up to 2 pieces
* up to 2,500 words
visual arts
* up to 3 pieces
* up to 3 pieces
textile arts
* up to 3 pieces
* your discretion on how to photograph/best present your pieces
interviews, reports, op-eds
* please submit a 1-2 paragraph pitch
* we will work with you on a deadline
* final submission is up to 2,500 words
* you can also submit previously published work if permissible by the organization that it is currently published for
fashion & tech (any form)
* this is a subject-based category – your submission can take any form!
* please do not submit the same work for a different category and this one, even if it overlaps (e.g. a poetry piece on fashion & tech). choose whichever you think the piece works better for.
* preference given to pieces that do not neatly fit into one of the above listed categories
* this is the only category for which you can submit AI generated work
review period is targeted to be 4 weeks post submission deadline. it’s really just me (lavina) doing this and i have work & grad school as well! thanks for understanding <3

upcoming events

coming soon

past events

slow fashion fest - oct '24

mixed media & collages

no theme, pure exploration


series 1: for years, the menil. nov 24.i consider this my first photography series, taken at a time where i was gently reexploring a space that is special to me. being on the grounds brought reflection and a heaviness that i am slowly replacing with renewed playfulness.


series 1: sour honeythis is an in-progress collection of poetry centering the fragmented emotions among love and grief.